It’s a celebration folks. This is my 100th blog post! I am ecstatic and in utter disbelief. I never imagined the day that I’d say, I’ve written and posted 100 blog posts, and just two days shy of my 40th Birthday. Two huge milestones in the same week.

My entire life I’ve struggled with starting projects and seeing them through to completion. One of my very first blog post was titled, “Pick Something and Stick to It!”. I started this blog numerous times and stopped numerous times. It was my lack of focus, impatience and fear that prevented me from finishing things I started including this blog, but one day something changed! It felt different. Writing came easy. The time was right and I haven’t looked back!
Oh the joy of this day!I am so proud of myself! I feel so accomplished. Thank you to each and everyone of you that has ever read, shared or commented on one of my posts! Your kindness does not go unnoticed! Stay tuned for more exciting content! Talking All That Jaz is growing and evolving. It’s more than just a blog, it’s a brand!
Until next time…🦋