1. Don’t lie to me. Nothing irks me more than being lied to. It’s so easy to tell the truth. Lying takes a lot of energy. When my children were small, I would tell them that telling the truth would keep them out of trouble. I meant that, and I stuck to it. Now let’s talk about why people lie. Here are a few reasons I’ve encountered…
Fantasy or make believe
From my experience. Lying destroys trust. It can ruin relationships and friendships. Now, I’d be lying to you if I said I wasn’t guilty of telling a lie or two in my lifetime, but I make it my purpose today to always tell the truth, even when it hurts.
2. Chronic complaining. Lawd, just thinking about the individual that complains like it’s a full time job exhausts me. We all know that one person that complains about everything. I’ve always tried my best not to complain. Complaining never changes a situation, if we’re being honest, it allows whatever you’re complaining about to consume you. You become a slave to the complaints. I especially hate individuals who create problems then complain about them. I’ve ended friendships over this one.
3. Dirty bathrooms. Public and residential, but particularly ones in people’s homes. Growing up my mama always said, pay attention to the person that keeps a dirty bathroom and a dirty kitchen 👀. Call me what you want but a dirty bathroom gives me the heebie jeebies. Have you ever gone to someone’s house, asked to use the restroom, go in, look down at the toilet and notice that little area behind the toilet seat where it attaches to the base and it’s covered in piss stains and that one random pubic hair. Or the base of the toilet where it meets the floor and on either side there’s yellow spots…(Fact: after reading this, the next time y’all use someone else’s toilet I bet you look at those two areas 😩😂). As a mom of three teenage boys I know how dirty a bathroom can get! How when you walk in you can be hit with the smell of piss and musty balls. I also know lazy privileged children (mine). I get it which is why I make it a point to clean it often.
Now that I’ve shared my pet peeves, what are some of yours? What makes you tick? Please share in the comments.
Until next time…💛